
Box Models

These are some cool boxes

Did you know...

You can add a border to boxes?

Even make it curly!!!

OR add a fancy border!!!!!!

You can even click on this one!

How did I make these boxes?

A box model consists of: margins, borders, and padding

We can also manipulate the border in many ways. This can be its colour, style, radius and width!

Here are some examples on text:

A red dotted border.

A thick dashed border.

An curved inset border.

A mixed border.

Additionally, you can add links onto box models to create buttons. All that is needed is a suitable link embedded into the html when calling the box

Find out more about anchor links here

By using box models, we can create a dropdown:

This is done by specifying the dropdown-content's style like a box model - it uses the same basics! (Padding, Border, Margin)