Moral and Ethical Issues in Emerging Tech

Acceptance of Responsibility

What is Acceptance of Responsibility?

Acceptance of Responsibility is when you accept responsibility for something that has happened.
You agree that you were to blame for it or you caused it.

Why is this a Moral/Ethical Issue in Emerging Tech?

Most companies operate with a blend of third-party and their own technology.
Often there is confusion about where responsibility lies if something were to go wrong.

Some examples of this confusion are:

The big question currently is who is really responsible for data or accidents in businesses?

How will this be an issue in the future?

If self-driving cars were to ever become a thing, then this issue of Acceptance of Responsibilty is a big problem.

This is because it is hard to decide who exactly is reponsible for a car accident!

  1. Is it the drivers fault?
  2. Is it the car manufacturers fault?
  3. Is it the AIs fault?
  4. Is it the AI creator's fault?



Hopefully in the upcoming years, companies will figure out the correct path for Acceptance of Responsibility as it will affect the legal side of emerging tech.
(Especially AI)
We should strive for a Culture of Responsibilty that is recognised worldwide.